Abstracts & Awards

Thank you very much !!!

The submission of contributions for an oral- or poster presentation is now closed. We received more than 125 interesting abstracts for review and a dozen of manuscripts candidates for the prestigious ICMART Scientic Award including the ICMART Young Scientists Awards.

Please contact info@icmart2023.org directly should you need further assistance in matters related to your submissions.

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Submission Closed

Only Medical Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Pharmacists, Scientific Researchers and Medical Students can apply for awards and/or submit an abstract for Oral presentation or Workshop. Online application for ICMART Awards is now open, and we are pleased to invite all candidates to submit their application/abstract.  Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing and submitting your abstract. 

There are 4 abstract categories:
[1] ICMART Scientific Award, [2] Young Scientists Awards, [3] ICMART Poster Awards, [4] Workshop or Oral presentation. 

You are encouraged to send in your abstract before the deadline.

After successful submission you will receive a confirmation by email. Abstracts will be subject to a blind review process by a panel of international experts in the field. Based on mean scores calculated for each abstract, decision for oral or poster presentation will be made. By July 1st 2023, decisions will be communicated with authors by email. 


ICMART Science Award

The ICMART Science Award in Acupuncture and Related Techniques is the main award of ICMART and is presented at each ICMART Congress. It recognises an outstanding scientific contribution in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques. Submission requires innovative and excellent scientific projects either in basic or clinical research.

The ICMART Science Award is worth 1,000 Euro. In addition, if the winner (one author) travels to the Netherlands, ICMART will cover travel costs up to 500 Euro.

The award will be delivered to the author presenting the manuscript at the congress.


To qualify for this award, please submit one scientific manuscript either published or accepted for publication in an indexed peer-reviewed journal during the years 2021 or 2022 or 2023. The manuscript should be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae of the authors and a one-page statement in English meant for the general audience and describing why this scientific contribution should be awarded.

The award-winning manuscript will be selected by an independent committee made up of members of the ICMART Scientific Committee and will be assessed by the following criteria:

a) innovation

b) level of relevance

c) scientific rigor.

The ICMART Science Award 2023 will be delivered during the upcoming ICMART Congress in Amsterdam.

Applicants do not have to register for the congress. Preconditions for payment of the award are attendance* of the awardee during the award ceremony and an oral presentation of the research project in one of the congress sessions. The non-winners have to pay the registration fee if they want to attend the congress.


Young Scientist Awards

The Young Scientists Award aims to encourage young and promising researchers on whom progress in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques relies on. It rewards four scientific projects addressing any topic related to acupuncture, TCM or related techniques – be it etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment of symptoms or diseases. All submitted abstracts compete for a limited number of 4 Grants.

Each of the four Young Scientists Awards is worth 500 Euro.
The award will be delivered to the author presenting the scientific project at the congress.

Physicians, scientists, medical students and other healthcare providers currently in residency or fellowship programs can apply. Candidates should submit an abstract summarising their research project. In addition, applicants are required to upload a brief curriculum vitae of the authors and a statement in English meant for the general audience and describing why this scientific contribution should be awarded.

The awardee will be selected by an independent committee made up of members of the ICMART Scientific Committee and will be assessed by the following criteria:
a) innovation
b) level of clinical and/or scientific relevance
c) scientific rigor and contribution of the applicant to the research project.

The ICMART Science Award 2023 will be delivered during the upcoming ICMART Congress in Amsterdam

Applicants do not have to register for the congress. Preconditions for payment of the award are attendance* of the awardee during the award ceremony and an oral presentation of the research project in one of the congress sessions. The non-winners have to pay the registration fee if they want to attend the congress.



All posters accepted for presentation by the scientific committee of the congress will take part in the competition. Poster awards will be presented during the Poster Session, when awardees will be asked to give a presentation of their paper. In case of absence of the awardee, their award will not be delivered.
Each of the poster awards is worth 250 Euro. The award will be delivered to the author presenting the poster at the congress. 

An independent jury will evaluate all poster presentations according to the following criteria:
a) Scientific excellence (all fields of research)
b) Innovation
c) Clarity of presentation (visualization, structural logic)
d) Understandability

To qualify for this award, participants have to register for the congress and pay the registration fee. Preconditions for payment of the award is attendance* of the awardee during the award ceremony.

POSTER format

  • Posters should be printed in high resolution on matte paper, 100 x 70 cm size.

  • Vertical orientation, 2-column format, large title space, complete and concise text make it easier for your audience to read.

  • Important information can be emphasized highlighting key words.

  • Long texts should be avoided.

  • Tables and figures should be included only if necessary.

  • A comfortable font size which can be read from 1 to 2 meters away is recommended.

  • The body of your poster should have a minimum 24-26 point font.

  • We suggest that you bring an A4 or similar format photocopy of the poster to the Congress.

  • Each winner will be allowed 4 minutes to present their work in powerpoint (about 3 slides).


Oral Presentation and Workshops

The Organising committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for Workshop and Oral presentations.

Abstract Submission – Terms and Conditions

Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the ICMART 2023 website.

  • Acknowledgement of receipt of submission will be sent to the email address provided. If confirmation is not received within 24 hours, please contact us at info@icmart2023.org

  • Language: English

  • Authors’ names: in mixed-case letters (first name and family name in full), affiliations (institute/hospital/university, city, country) in lowercase.

  • Abstracts (max. 300 words, excluding title and authors’ list and affiliations) should include

a) Introduction
b) Method
c) Results
d) Conclusion

  • A brief curriculum vitae is to be attached for each author

  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a complete abstract as per instructions. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author

  • The person who submits this form is the presenting author.

  • Authors cannot amend their application. Please contact the us (info@icmart2023.org) in case of doubt.

Consent for publication of patients’ data (abstracts with identifiable patient information): to publish an abstract containing information identifying patients, patients must have submitted their written consent to the author.


Scientific Award

The ICMART Science Award in Acupuncture and Related Techniques is the main award of ICMART and is presented at each ICMART Congress

Young Scientists Awards

Aims to encourage young and promising researchers on whom progress in the field of acupuncture, TCM and related techniques relies on.

Poster Awards

All posters accepted for presentation by the scientific committee of the congress will take part in the competition.

Workshops And Oral Presentation

The Organising committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for Workshop and Oral presentations.

After successful submission you will receive a confirmation by email. Abstracts will be subject to a blind review process by a panel of international experts in the field. Based on mean scores calculated for each abstract, decision for oral or poster presentation will be made.

By July 1st 2023, decisions will be communicated with authors by email.